After returning from my meditation retreat and then shortly after that from a week long family camping trip, I found it tough to get back into training and pushing myself with challenging workouts. From experience I know that often my clients also go through phases where they need motivation to stay on top of their fitness routine. So here are 5 tips that will help you get motivated to workout:

I discuss the following 5 tips in detail in the above video..

Motivational Tip #1: Take a Caffeinated Pre-Workout Drink

Sometimes all it takes is a strong cup of coffee or a pre-workout supplement to amp you up for your workout!

Motivational Tip #2: Find a Good Training Partner

Having someone else to workout with and keep you accountable can make a huge difference.

Motivational Tip #3: Watch Motivational Videos

There are some inspirational videos that just get me fired up to go lift weights. If you do a quick search on YouTube I’m sure you’ll find a few that do the same for you!

Motivational Tip #4: Listen to Music that Pumps You Up

Some songs just tend to ramp up your energy and make you wanna move. Make a playlist of music that moves you and listen to it on your way to workout and as you exercise!

Motivational Tip #5: Visualization

Mental conditioning techniques like visualization can help you train your brain to get motivated to workout AND get better results from your training sessions. I outline an entire mental training plan in my Get Mental program… check it out:

Some other important considerations for staying motivated are to set some clear training goals for yourself… something important to you that can be a driving force behind your desire to train. Another factor is your rest and nutrition; to have the physical energy to workout you need to get enough quality sleep and eat well! There needs to be a balance between your activity and your recovery.

Also consider that the most lasting motivation has to come from within you rather than from outside you. Consider this story of two frogs I once knew:

I hope that helps you get your butt into the gym!

Stay strong,
