Even as a personal trainer, I struggled with staying in shape at one point in my life. When I turned 40 I had a wake-up call. I had just become a father (to our first beautiful daughter!) and with the added responsibilities of parenthood, a mortgage, running my business, and lack of sleep, I started to let my fitness slide. Before I knew it, I was in the worst shape of my life.
This lead me on a journey of discovery during which I began to read, research, experiment, and learn from industry experts who were getting the results that I wanted. Over the next couple of years I adopted an effective, evidence-based approach to training and nutrition that gets consistent results for both me and my clients. As I result I was able to get in the best shape of my life in my 40’s, and I went on to win the first Men’s Physique Masters Competition I had ever entered!
Josh Hewett
I can’t believe how much muscle I’ve put on with Josh’s help. I went from a scrawny 151 lbs before I started to 178 lbs just a few months later, and my body fat stayed almost the same. I’ve never been able to gain weight before; I’ve always considered myself a hard gainer with a super high metabolism and skinny frame. Now I’ve put on 27 lbs of muscle and increased my strength dramatically. None of my shirts and pants fit anymore – and it is great. At Goodlife they told me at best I’d gain 15 lbs over six months. Just goes to show that the right trainer and program make a difference.
Aaron Coldiron
I was athletic and very active during my teens and early twenties, but when I injured my knees in the 1980’s, I became less active and gradually began to fall out of shape. I found that although I was still active during the summer months, every winter I consistently gained about four to five pounds. After 20 years I had gained over 80 lbs without even noticing. I didn’t completely acknowledge how out of shape I had become until this year, when my lower back started to bother me.
So I found myself at a crossroads. I was unfit, unhealthy, weighing about 300 pounds with two had knees and a bad back. I needed to take action now! I began physical therapy for my injuries at the Sports Medicine Specialists in Toronto. There I was referred to Josh Hewett, their Personal Trainer Specialist. Josh introduced me to his Top Form Fitness training system, which I began following religiously and in no time I started to see my body transform! Now there is no looking back… I’m already half way to my ultimate goal of weighing 200 pounds at less then 20% body fat, and loving my new body.
I recommend Josh to anyone looking to improve their fitness, lose some body fat, as well as tone up and get stronger.
John Garbel
Client Testimonials
Client Testimonial – Sam Tuzin
Leslie Woodyatt
As a Special Olympics athlete, Leslie participates in a number of sports including: softball, swimming, soccer, floor hockey, and ice hockey. When Leslie began training with me at Top Form Fitness she was limping badly due to a knee injury, which resulted in part from carrying too much bodyweight. At first she was very limited in what exercises she could do because of her weight and the knee pain, however, due to her hard work, persistence, and dedication to our program, she has been able to lose over 150 lbs (almost half of her body weight so far) and regain strength and stability in her knee! As a result she has enjoyed a significant improvement in her athletic performance as well as her health and well-being.
She was also nominated for the Special Olympics Ontario Female Athlete of the Year 2011 award. Leslie continues to train regularly and demonstrates consistent progress.
– Josh Hewett
Before training with Josh I had been working out regularly on my own. I approached him with the goal of getting on a serious exercise routine to become leaner while improving my muscularity. His nutritional guidance and program design helped me get into great shape within a few short months. He showed me that with consistent hard work and the proper direction you can achieve great results.
Yevgeny Venetsky

Josh Hewett has been a great friend and trainer over the last few months. When I joined the gym, I did not know what to expect from Josh. I started at 235 lbs and waist size of 40″, wearing extra large shirts and 40% body fat. As of today, I weigh 188 lbs, waist size 32″, my bodyfat is down to 14% and I wear medium shirts. Josh recognized the potential in me and committed himself to reach my objectives.
Initially I advised Josh that I wanted to be at 205 lbs and waist size of 36″. I’m glad I listened to what he said, because of his knowledge and experience. He advised me being at 185 to 190 lbs, 32″ waist and body fat under 15% will enhance my appearance and look totally different. He was right. Not only am I getting noticed by friends and family, I’m also receiving compliments from people I don’t know too well. It’s a great feeling to know what a person can accomplish by working hard and listening to an experienced trainer. Now that I have reached my target, we are focusing on muscle building, I expect to look even better. There is even more work for us to do.
Andy Bekiras

I started training with Josh to improve my hockey performance and prevent injuries, but soon became interested in Strength Athletics. While following Josh’s program in preparation for strength competitions, my bodyweight increased from 175 lbs to 225 lbs in about a year. My max deadlift went from 300 lbs to 600 lbs, and my overhead push press progressed from 145 lbs to 275 lbs currently. In addition, I was able to place in the top 3 in four of the contests I entered in my first competitive season.
Drew Bawden

Josh, When I began training with you more than 4 years ago, my goal was not to lose weight or body fat, but to develop some upper body and core definition. I already had a strong lower body because I was a runner. Working with you has taught me a tremendous about human kinetics, nutrition and resistance training.
The program you developed for me has improved my distance running because you have trained all my lower body muscles, not just the ones I use for running. It has also changed my entire body proportion, and I love my new shoulders, back, arms and core.
Some of the results I have noticed over time are my ability to lift and move heavy objects with relative ease, where I used to grunt and groan carrying cases of water. I discovered that a strong core is valuable in almost every daily activity I perform, and it feels so good to have a hard midsection. With respect to my back, I never realized how important a strong mid back is for posture, and how it has changed the way I carry myself every day.
I enjoyed training with you so much that a year ago I decided to become a personal trainer myself. Josh, you have been my mentor and a valuable resource for everything fitness related. You are a motivating, inspiring and encouraging trainer, and I think every single session with you is fun, no matter how tough the training is.
Thanks Josh!! You have changed the way I see health and fitness.
Giselle Sheer Bloch
45, healthy, strong and fit!

My name is Robert Stephen and I am a dancer with the National Ballet of Canada. As a full-time member of the corps de ballet, I am required to be in shape for productions throughout the year. Last year, however, I experienced a major setback, when a stress fracture in my ankle kept me off for the majority of the season. Once the injury healed, the doctor suggested I see a trainer to gain the strength I would need to return to my full schedule. He recommended that I see Josh to establish a program to meet my individual needs.
Since then, Josh has worked with me, not only to regain the strength in my bad leg, but also to move forward with a strengthening program for my entire body, targeting the areas I need to meet the demands of the company’s repertoire, and organizing the program to fit into my rehearsal schedule. In just a few months, I have already noticed a significant difference in the power of my legs when executing jumps and leaps, and feel much stronger in my upper body, especially when partnering the female dancers. I am excited to keep progressing and improving over the coming year.
Robert Stephen

I had always enjoyed strength training as part of my regular fitness program, but I recently decided to challenge myself by entering a Powerlifting competition. I had never competed before and was unsure of where to start, so I contacted Josh at Top Form Fitness to help me prepare.
Through a combination of 1 on 1 private sessions as well as online training, Josh guided me through a personalized training plan leading up to the contest. As a result, I ended up placing third and set a new National Bench Press record for my age and weight class! I am so stoked… I can’t stop looking at the trophy! Now I’m looking forward to working with Top Form Fitness to get ready for my next contest in a month!

The strength and conditioning that I have been doing with Josh is invaluable. He has tailored his program to suit my needs as an MMA athlete.
I am as strong as guys in weight classes heavier then me but as quick as anyone in my own. In my opinion, this was one of the key factors in my first MMA victory.
Kris Donaldson
I Love training with Josh and look forward to every session. The best personal trainer I have ever worked with. Fast and lasting results!”
Ray Wood
I’ve been training with Josh for over a decade now. He is extremely knowledgable and stays up-to-date on the latest research on training and nutrition. He brings his expertise, his energy, and a sense of humour to every session. I would recommend anyone looking for a training program backed by science to consider Josh.
Kevin Thomas
When I’ve worked out with other trainers they pushed me so hard that I couldn’t move the next day. Josh starts with exercises that are a reasonable challenge to your current strength level then builds on your continuing successes. You will be a little sore after your workout – not overly so though.
Josh will laugh and joke with you. Ultimately he is there to be your trainer…reminding you about your commitment to healthier eating when you talk about the party or restaurant you are going to that night.
I was concerned about a past knee injury when I was initially thinking of working out. Josh has broken three vertebrae in his back in a car accident…..and torn the ACL in his knee. With these past injuries, and his degree in Kinesiology, Josh can tweak your work-out to accommodate past injuries and build strength in vital areas of your body.
Lena Boehnke
I started working with Josh a year and half ago to help me rehabilitate from a hamstring tear. As a Pilates instructor, I find his work with muscle activation extremely helpful in pinpointing the “weak links” in the system, and then focusing exercises accordingly. As well, he has an incredible roster of exercises he uses depending on the circumstances and the focus of the workout. He’s always really helpful, and fun too!
Isabelle Kaczmarek
This is my first time with a trainer and it has been extremely helpful. Josh has outlined a schedule, recommended a diet as well as take me to a few local health food stores to help me get started. I have worked out on my own off and on and have never seen the results that I have seen with Josh. I look forward to future sessions with him and would recommend him to anyone starting off into weight lifting. He has been an asset to my working out and now I have become very dedicated to m y training.
Mike Arrigo
This is my first experience with a trainer after several trips for knee surgery. I was told nothing more could be done; through Josh’s patience and knowledge, I now walk without a cane, actually skied this Winter, and I am enjoying an active life style again.
Josh is an attentive trainer who knows his stuff. He has the ability to listen to the needs of his clients. He has a wonderful sense of humor and I consider myself very fortunate to have ended up in his hands. Because of Josh, I will probably make exercise a daily routine in my life forever.
Garry Marsh, CEO
For the past 5 years I have worked with many coaches and “trainers” involved in my sport (triathalon); Josh Hewett, by far, has been the most professional and educational trainer of all. Not only has he helped me obtain my goals, but he has listened to my suggestions and ideas and appropriately incorporated them to develop the best type of training for me. As I believe the most successful trainers and coaches are ones who are willing to listen and make certain changes for each individual – as we are all different and need specific and sometimes unusual types of training.
Denise Acton
For the past five month’s I have been undergoing a fitness program with Josh Hewett. Prior to commencing his program I was frequently having pain in my lower back. Results that I have experienced from the training schedule that Josh set up for me are numerous. I no longer have low back pain, my posture improved, I have lost several inches off my waistline and I have developed muscle on my upper body. My overall muscle tone has increased and I now have a healthy sense of well being.
My wife & I moved to Barrie in 2017 for our business and while living there we found Josh online and set up a time for us both to train with him. We knew immediately that Josh was a perfect fit for us and were happy that we found him. Josh doesn’t just train people in fitness. He is a student of his craft and is constantly training himself to be the best at what he does. He pays attention to injuries new and old and adapts sessions to keep you moving forward.
Fast forward to 2020 and we had moved back to our home in Port Stanley which is 4 hours away. We transformed our basement into a functioning gym and I reached out to Josh to see if I could do some virtual training with Josh over Zoom. I realized that I missed our time together as we didn’t just train our physical selves but also we had become spiritually connected. Josh and I spent most of our time during our training sessions (3 times a week) talking about life, growth, challenges, kids, you name it. Around this time Josh started a breath work session every Monday night and he introduced me to this amazing practice. Josh has been a true leader to me in my personal growth and development and I absolutely appreciate the inspiring being that he is.
I couldn’t recommend anyone more than I can Josh for his passion for everything he does and his true care and love for people.
Dan Dale
I just want to give a huge shout-out to Josh Hewett at Top Form Fitness. He’s been training me consistently for the past 8 months and my results and the change in my body speaks for itself. Interesting fact: when I came to Josh I was dealing with a herniated disk in my lumbar spine (lower back) and was experiencing severe pain. My chiropractor actually told me to avoid going back to resistance training. I gave josh my MRI results and he put together a program including corrective exercises to help get me better again; it’s been a long journey but well worth it. One of the best aspects of training with him is his sense of humor and enthusiastic energy. The workouts are hard, but at least he keeps me laughing through it. If anyone is looking for a personal trainer, there’s no one more knowledgeable than Josh. I’m excited for where my fitness level will be at by the end of the year!
Bobby Abdullah