The Problem with the Fitness Industry

What the Hell is Wrong with the Weight Loss Industry? I recently watched an excellent video created by Mike Howard of Lean Minded, where he basically throws the entire fitness industry under the bus. The thing is, he makes some important observations, his critique is well-founded, and he provides some great suggestions about what to do about it. His opinion on this topic is very similar to my own, and his advice is right in line with what I’ve been saying for a while now (on my blog, YouTube, and other social media). I shared the video below in this article, and I encourage you to take a few minutes to check it out. He touches on several problems in the fitness industry at present: People seem to believe that everything causes weight gain… except excess calories. People are chasing a quick fix to get short term results for a [...]


What Motivates You?

When it comes to getting in great shape, I’ve always maintained that one’s attitude and mindset is at least as important as the “how-to’s”, such as nutrition and exercise. To reach any goal you need to be committed to achieving it. It all comes down to DEEP COMMITMENT. So what does it mean to be committed? To me it means you are obsessed with successfully reaching your goal. You have to be strongly motivated, but this motivation needs to come from within. This is more like “inspiration” rather than “motivation”. I can try to motivate the Hell outta you, but until you are intrinsically motivated and deeply committed your results will likely be short-lived. I want to share a story with you that I believe provides a good example of what I’m talking about here. It’s a true story about two frogs I knew named Jack and Jill.   😉 [...]


Train your brain for faster fat loss results

We live in an age where almost everyone has access to more health and fitness information than ever before, yet more than half of our population in North America is overweight.  Information is important, but there is something else that needs to be addressed: the mental aspect. If all it took was “How-To’s” we’d all be fit, rich and happy. Before you’ll see any lasting transformation in your body, there has to be a transformation of your mindset and your habits. The brain is like a powerful super-computer; it has an amazing ability to find solutions to challenges and discover ways to reach your goals.  However, your brain makes a much better servant than master… if left unguided its primary focus will be to keep you safe, avoid risk, and basically resist “progress” by keeping you in your comfort zone. Therefore you need to give your mind clear and focused [...]

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