The #1 Factor To Build Muscle

Guest Post from Ben Pakulski Question: Ben, please identify the number one training mistake that would be preventing individuals from achieving maximal muscle gains Answer: Well, we all know “the guy” in the gym that throws a ton of weight on the bar and moves it with terrible form and looks like hes going to hurt himself. He is the root of many of our jokes, and definitely gets a lot of sideways looks from the patrons of the gym. We’ve all asked ourselves “WHAT is he trying to do?” Chances are, he has no clue. He comes in the gym everyday and does the exact same thing week in and week out because he really has NO IDEA what he is trying to do. Therein lies the problem! Guess what, more likely than not, you have all been guilty of doing this too at some point in your life (whether you care to admit it [...]