How to Get Motivated to Workout – 5 Tips

After returning from my meditation retreat and then shortly after that from a week long family camping trip, I found it tough to get back into training and pushing myself with challenging workouts. From experience I know that often my clients also go through phases where they need motivation to stay on top of their fitness routine. So here are 5 tips that will help you get motivated to workout: […]


Tis the Season to Give Back to the Fitness Community (Guest Post)

I am actually a bit nervous offering up fitness advice on this man’s Blog. I am a runner, yet I am not sure I can run fast enough to escape the wrath of Josh Hewett should my words turn out to be rubbish. I do know some Karate, but there is no chopping your way through those Hewett warrior arms. Take a look for yourself. Click back a page or two within the Top Form Fitness Web site, blog, tweets and Face book video archives… we have enough outstanding strength and conditioning  counsel to keep us going for a decade (or two). This had better be good. […]


What Motivates You?

When it comes to getting in great shape, I’ve always maintained that one’s attitude and mindset is at least as important as the “how-to’s”, such as nutrition and exercise. To reach any goal you need to be committed to achieving it. It all comes down to DEEP COMMITMENT. So what does it mean to be committed? To me it means you are obsessed with successfully reaching your goal. You have to be strongly motivated, but this motivation needs to come from within. This is more like “inspiration” rather than “motivation”. I can try to motivate the Hell outta you, but until you are intrinsically motivated and deeply committed your results will likely be short-lived. I want to share a story with you that I believe provides a good example of what I’m talking about here. It’s a true story about two frogs I knew named Jack and Jill.   😉 [...]


What Is Your Inspiration?

I just spent a great Father’s Day with my wife and daughter, my 2 favorite people on earth, which made me realize how lucky I am… and how much I love spending my Sundays like this! This got me thinking about what is really important to me in my life, and what motivates me to improve myself and grow as a person, as well as with my business. I recently attended a weekend seminar for business and personal development, and one of the exercises they had us do to help us become more motivated and focused on our goals was to put together a short “Why” video. My WHY video is a collection of images that remind me of what is important to me in my life… what inspires me and drives me to do what I do, and to grow personally and professionally. This is my WHY video… let [...]

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