Guided Meditation – Lose Your Mind & Come to Your Senses

Many people (especially in our Western Culture) choose to live mostly in their 'heads', thinking primarily of the future and "what's next" or remembering the past. Somehow our mind seems to convince us that the "next moment" must be better than the one we're in now. While there's nothing inherently wrong with thinking, it's important to be able to be aware of our thoughts and be intentional about what we think. There's a saying I like: "The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master." When we become lost in distracting thoughts or daydreams it takes our attention away from this present moment. However, if we bring our awareness into our body it helps to bring us back into the Here and Now. Exploring our body sensations can also improve our mind-body connection and body awareness, and support relaxation, recovery and healing. To support this process I've created this [...]