Top 6 Fat Loss Supplements for 6 Pack Abs

My last few 6 Pack Abs tutorials have focused on the training program and specific exercise demonstrations. However, as I’ve said before, getting leaner depends mostly upon how you eat. Abs are made in the kitchen.  In addition to an intelligent nutrition plan there are several supplements that will support your fat loss endeavors. This short video discusses my choices for the Top 6 Fat Loss Supplements for 6 Pack Abs. […]


Reduce Your Waist – 3 Lessons From Rob Ford

I couldn’t help but hear the news about Rob Ford over the last couple of days. On the weekend he announced that he was officially “giving up” on his Cut the Waist Challenge, just 3 weeks before it was scheduled to finish. This was after missing several scheduled weigh-ins. Yes, this is the same challenge that he publicly started in January to raise money for charity and help motivate others to get leaner. To be honest, I thought it was a smart idea at the time… he creates a media buzz for himself, creates accountability for reaching his fat loss goals, and sends a positive message at the same time. Good for you Rob! But, wow… did he ever disappoint me. He not only let himself down, but he let down everyone whom he had offered to help motivate. Now I want to make something clear – I’m not disappointed in [...]


MRT Super-Set Program for Revealing Your Abs

In today’s post I will be continuing the tutorial series for my Pursuit of 6 Pack Abs. This time I want to share an outline of another Metabolic Resistance Training program I use for getting leaner. I previously introduced a circuit training program which I suggested using for about 3 weeks (Metabolic Conditioning Phase). Now it’s time to move on to the Metabolic Drive Phase which involves heavier weights and antagonist super-sets. It’s a three day split, to be performed on alternate days. Perform 3 HIIT sessions per week as well, on your “off” days. Here are the videos for each workout: Day One: Upper Push-Pull Horizontal Plane […]


Burn Fat with Circuit Training

In my previous post on my quest for 6 pack abs, I discussed the benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (vs. traditional cardio)… check it out at this link: -> HIIT will get you FIT! Another powerful training technique for melting off huge amounts of fat, while maintaining your lean tissue, is called MRT (Metabolic Resistance Training).  MRT basically refers to a resistance training workout that combines effective compound exercises in a specific way to increase the intensity of the workout and essentially “jack up” your metabolism. This typically involves minimizing rest between certain exercises, by using super-sets or circuit training. It works by consuming considerable calories during the workout, but also by causing ‘Post Exercise Oxygen Debt’ which leads to the ‘After Burn Effect’… where your metabolism and body temperature remain elevated for a longer period of time after the workout as you recover. […]


High Intensity Interval Training for 6 Pack Abs

In my previous post in my Pursuit of 6 Pack Abs (which was the first one of this series) I described several key nutritional strategies for blasting belly fat and revealing those abs. This time we are going to look at a key training strategy for getting leaner while keeping your hard earned muscle… it’s called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT involves alternating between phases of higher and lower intensity cardio-type exercise. This type of training has several distinct benefits over traditional LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio, as discussed in my previous blog post “Is Cardio Really That Effective for Weight Loss”. A few of these benefits include: […]

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