Managing Your Cheat Meals
The nutrition plan for my Get Lean Program, although being well-balanced for long term results, may still be considered a bit restrictive for some people. A reduction in caloric intake, starchy carbohydrates and processed foods can seem extreme to those who have developed non-supportive eating habits. For this reason, among others, a Cheat Day (also referred to as a “Refeed Day”) is recommended in my program. Psychologically, it’s much easier to make changes to your nutrition when you know you will have an opportunity to indulge yourself on occasion. Re-feed Days also have a very real benefit to your long term fat loss physiologically. Here is an example of one of my more recent cheat meals… this is after a powerlifting competition and a few of us decided to go all out: Despite being somewhat controversial, the idea of a cheat day, or at least a cheat meal, is a [...]