Krill Oil May be up to 48 Times Better than Fish Oil

If you’ve been following my posts and articles you already know that I usually recommend taking  a high quality Fish Oil every day for its slew of health benefits as well as aiding in fat loss.  However, I’ve been reading a lot lately about a superior source of essentially fatty acids and other important nutrients… I’m talking about krill oil. Krill oil is made from krill, a small, shrimp-like crustacean that lives in the cold ocean parts of the world. Krill are very small yet make up the largest animal biomass on the planet. There are about 500 million tons of krill roaming around in the northern seas. Similar to fish oil, krill oil has omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA) but the structure of the EPA and DHA in krill oil makes them much more absorbable than fish oil. Krill oil also contains vitamin D and powerful anti-oxidants.  Therefore krill accomplishes two important [...]


Fruits and Veggies: Bridging the Gap

Every health organization on the planet agrees that consuming enough vegetables and fruit in your diet is paramount to maintaining good health. Canada’s Food Guide recommends eating between 5 and 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. There’s a good reason for this: vegetables and fruits are among the most nutrient dense foods available, and contain important health-promoting and cancer-preventing anti-oxidants, as well as vitamins and other essential nutrients. […]

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