As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I’m now in hot pursuit of obtaining the coveted six pack abs! Since the birth of my beautiful daughter (a little less than 3 years ago), followed by my quest to get back into competing in strongman competitions, I ended up getting a little soft around the middle. Over the last several months I’ve started to tighten up my nutrition again, and introduce a slightly different style of training, and I’m certainly getting leaner… but I still have a ways to go. But this time I am determined to get ripped! Chiseled! Shredded! I WILL get a 6 pack! Heck, I’m a fitness expert for crying out loud… I damn well should be in excellent shape!

So I hope you will join me on my journey to uncover the much sought-after “washboard abs” … starting with today’s post!

This will be the first in a series of posts including video tutorials demonstrating how to get a lean, sculpted mid-section… as I document my journey on video! The topic of this first tutorial is NUTRITION. Your diet (nutrition plan) has to be a priority if you want to get your body fat low enough to see abs. In this episode I present some key nutritional strategies for getting lean… now, I admit my meals may not look as pretty as some of the pictures in this video (sometimes I’m eating salmon out of the can, or broccoli out of the bag!) but you get the idea.

Here are some of the basic nutritional guidelines I recommend observing:

  • Eating 4 or 5 frequent but smaller meals each day is not essential, but it can help you control portion sizes
  • Eat a high protein, lower carb breakfast in the morning
  • Drink adequate water (or green tea): about a liter for every 50 pounds of your body-weight, per day
  • Consume some essential fats, from sources such as fish oil, flax oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, etc.
  • Eat some protein in each meal. Aim for about 1 gram of protein/lb of bodyweight.
  • Eat soon after exercise, but avoid eating right before your workout
  • Consider food supplements such as whey protein, fish oil, and a Greens supplement.
  • Avoid eating too late in the evening (do not eat right before going to sleep)
  • Reduce intake of foods that can stress your digestive system such as wheat, dairy, and heavily processed foods.
  • Reduce highly processed carbohydrates such as sugar, white bread, pastries, deserts, and other sweets.
  • Consume more carbohydrate foods on days you train or exercise, and less on your less active days.
  • Avoid: alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs, excess salt and sugar

Learn more at

I will be putting together some more detailed nutritional resources for you soon, but next time we’ll discuss one of the key methods of training for fat loss to reveal that 6 pack!

Until then, stay fit.
