In today’s post I will be continuing the tutorial series for my Pursuit of 6 Pack Abs. This time I want to share an outline of another Metabolic Resistance Training program I use for getting leaner. I previously introduced a circuit training program which I suggested using for about 3 weeks (Metabolic Conditioning Phase). Now it’s time to move on to the Metabolic Drive Phase which involves heavier weights and antagonist super-sets.

It’s a three day split, to be performed on alternate days. Perform 3 HIIT sessions per week as well, on your “off” days. Here are the videos for each workout:

Day One: Upper Push-Pull Horizontal Plane

Day Two: Lower Body Push-Pull

Day Three: Upper Push-Pull Vertical Plane

As long you use similar movements you can vary the exercise selection depending on what you have available to you. Perform this program for a month, then switch back to the Metabolic Conditioning Phase for 3 weeks, alternating between these two programs, progressively making them more challenging each time. A full program description will be available soon at

Upcoming tutorials will cover supplementation, sleep, and mental conditioning; watch for that!

Stay fit,


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