Want Faster Results? It’s Time to Face These Facts

Last week I was watching the news and a particular story caught my attention. They were interviewing an elite Canadian athlete preparing for the upcoming winter Olympics, showing footage of his intense physical training program. The topic of discussion was that he also had to work a full time job on top of his athletic training, in order to pay his bills and afford proper coaching, training facilities, and nutrition. As a letter carrier for Canada Post this athlete was on his feet delivering mail for most of the day, followed by several hours of physical conditioning right after work! I was curious about how many others are in this same position, so I did some research (thanks Google!) and discovered that there are many Canadian Olympic Athletes who are working full time or part time jobs in addition to over 20 hours of hard training each week. When you [...]


What Motivates You?

When it comes to getting in great shape, I’ve always maintained that one’s attitude and mindset is at least as important as the “how-to’s”, such as nutrition and exercise. To reach any goal you need to be committed to achieving it. It all comes down to DEEP COMMITMENT. So what does it mean to be committed? To me it means you are obsessed with successfully reaching your goal. You have to be strongly motivated, but this motivation needs to come from within. This is more like “inspiration” rather than “motivation”. I can try to motivate the Hell outta you, but until you are intrinsically motivated and deeply committed your results will likely be short-lived. I want to share a story with you that I believe provides a good example of what I’m talking about here. It’s a true story about two frogs I knew named Jack and Jill.   😉 [...]


Fantastic 4 Foods & Exercises for Valentines Day

It’s that time of year again. Couples are planning a romantic night out and exchanging gifts as tokens of their love. Single people are complaining about how materialistic and commercialized St.Valentine’s Day is. Guys are hoping to get lucky. Ah yes… love is in the air. Well gentlemen, I’ve got a gift for you too. This Valentine’s Day I want you to give the gift of “Good Lovin’!” That’s why I’ve created this Fantastic 4 Foods & Exercises for Sexual Fitness. Watch this short video tutorial: The Workout: Start with the workout because this will increase circulation and create more blood flow to your extremities and your “working parts”. Exercising right before eating can also support nutrient partitioning of the calories you consumed to be stored in muscle rather than fat. Here is the workout… […]


A “Refreshing” Way to Start the New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! Did you make any new resolutions?  I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions per se… I just commit to continue pursuing my ongoing goals. To generalize, these include “personal development, physical development, and business development.” I guess if I were to make a new resolution for this year it would be “don’t sweat the small stuff.” To celebrate the start of 2013 I decided to jump into the icy cold waters of Lake Ontario with about 700 hundred other crazy people!  It was the annual Courage Polar Bear Dip in Oakville.  Now that might sound a bit nuts, but it was for a good cause (proceeds went to World Vision), and I enjoy the many health benefits of exposure to cold.  Plus after doing it last year in Toronto I found it an exhilarating way to start start the New Year! […]


I Want Fitness 4 Christmas

Santa’s job isn’t easy. He spends an entire year preparing to deliver BILLIONS of presents all over the planet… all in one night.  This requires him to run a full time toy factory, manage a staff of dozens of elves, and keep up a reindeer farm. Plus he has to answer millions of personal letters from his fans, do thousands of “mall gigs”, collect money for charities, and appear on hundreds of commercials, TV shows, and movies every year.  Sometimes it seems like he has to be in two or more places at the same time. Can you imagine the stress he must be under? Talk about cortisol production! And he manages this on a diet of almost exclusively cookies, milk, and candy. […]


How Physical Exercise Also Benefits Your Brain

Because I recognize that our thoughts and emotions play a huge role in the results we get in our lives, I’ve made a point of “training my brain” as well as my body.  After talking to a good friend of mine about this, he recommended I check out an online brain-boosting program called Lumosity.com.  I did sign up and as much as I enjoy the website and the program, I find it hard to make time to do those exercises with my busy schedule. Well was I ever pleased to learn about this new study! As it turns out, new research has demonstrated that physical exercise actually improves your brain health and performance BETTER than specific mental exercises (such as puzzles, brain games, and social interaction).  That’s right, working out actually boosts your brain power (ie: memory, problem solving, reaction time, etc) and slows down the aging process of the [...]


Six Pack Abs Success!

I reached my goal of single digit body fat % with my abs visible without flexing! My body weight dropped from about 214 when I started this plan a few months ago, to about 196 at the time of this video. Overall I was pleased with my fat loss progress while minimizing loss of lean tissue, especially since I just turned 42 y/o. It does take longer to reduce body fat % without losing significant amounts of muscle, but it is well worth it. By following the advice in these tutorials you can achieve similar results. […]


Train your brain for faster fat loss results

We live in an age where almost everyone has access to more health and fitness information than ever before, yet more than half of our population in North America is overweight.  Information is important, but there is something else that needs to be addressed: the mental aspect. If all it took was “How-To’s” we’d all be fit, rich and happy. Before you’ll see any lasting transformation in your body, there has to be a transformation of your mindset and your habits. The brain is like a powerful super-computer; it has an amazing ability to find solutions to challenges and discover ways to reach your goals.  However, your brain makes a much better servant than master… if left unguided its primary focus will be to keep you safe, avoid risk, and basically resist “progress” by keeping you in your comfort zone. Therefore you need to give your mind clear and focused [...]


Reduce Your Waist – 3 Lessons From Rob Ford

I couldn’t help but hear the news about Rob Ford over the last couple of days. On the weekend he announced that he was officially “giving up” on his Cut the Waist Challenge, just 3 weeks before it was scheduled to finish. This was after missing several scheduled weigh-ins. Yes, this is the same challenge that he publicly started in January to raise money for charity and help motivate others to get leaner. To be honest, I thought it was a smart idea at the time… he creates a media buzz for himself, creates accountability for reaching his fat loss goals, and sends a positive message at the same time. Good for you Rob! But, wow… did he ever disappoint me. He not only let himself down, but he let down everyone whom he had offered to help motivate. Now I want to make something clear – I’m not disappointed in [...]


YOU Have the Power… AND the Responsibility!

Over the last few years I’ve been studying a lot about the Law of Attraction, the psychology of success, the power of positive thinking, and the importance of “belief” (I don’t necessarily mean that in a religious context). The more I learn, the more I realize how much I still need to learn and understand, but the universe is definitely starting to make more sense to me now. It’s starting to become apparent that we as humans have FAR more influence over our lives, environment, and circumstances than most of us realize. I’m also able to clearly see how powerful one’s thoughts and emotions are related to health, fitness, and performance. […]

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