Strengthen Your Neck, Reduce Pain, Increase Lifts

In general, there isn’t only one common cause of neck pain that applies to everyone, yet many people suffer from neck pain. If you have chronic neck pain, you may have received a diagnosis of disc herniation, whiplash, strain, sprain or something else. Frequently those who work at a desk all day experience neck pain related to postural issues, and even fitness fanatics get the occasion pain in the neck from intense training or heavy lifting. Regardless, most of these conditions have one thing in common: Certain muscles are affected, and these are the muscles we need to target before progressing to more challenging exercises or activities. There are certain muscles in the neck that are designed to help us maintain our normal and healthy curve of the spine. In addition, these muscles are designed to hold our head up all day. […]


My Pre and Post Workout Supplements Review

Someone on Facebook recently asked me what supplements I recommend before and after a workout.  Since pre-workout powders and drinks seem to be all the rage right now, and everyone is also talking about what supplements to take during and after your workout to optimize recovery and maximize “dem gainz”, I decided to shoot a video discussing my own peri-workout recommendations: […]


Prevent Illness with the Power of Vitamin D

Every winter we get inundated by what I call “flu shot ads”… basically a marketing campaign to promote the importance of getting the flu vaccine. Well, I suppose this makes sense, because this is the “flu season”, although the flu vaccine may carry with it a few health risks itself; but there is another way to safely protect yourself against the flu virus. Vitamin D! […]


IIFYM (aka Flexible Dieting) vs Clean Eating

A friend and colleague of mine, Kane Sumabat, is one of the most fit, muscular, lean and aesthetic guys I know, and yet poptarts, pizza, hamburgers, and bacon are staples of his diet. How can he stay in such great shape while consuming all of that so-called “junk food”? Keep in mind, those aren’t his cheat meals… they are just some of his food choices that fit into his carefully planned nutrition program. Once he described his nutritional philosophy to me I was interested to learn more about it, so I began to do some research. I’d like to share some of what I discovered in this article. When it comes to losing body fat, gaining weight, and transforming your physique overall, the primary factor to consider is nutrition. Obviously an intelligent approach to training is necessary, but for most people if the diet isn’t on point the results will [...]


How Strength Training Helped Me Build Inner Strength (Guest Post)

Foreword (Josh Hewett): In today’s blog I have a guest post to share from a friend of mine, Paul Marsland. In his short article Paul describes how High Intensity Resistance Training has helped him overcome his darkest hour. His experience is a testimonial to the mental toughness and fortitude that is developed with this type of training and how it can help us tackle the seemingly insurmountable challenges that we face in our lives. Guest Post By Paul Marsland September 11th, 2011 is a date that will forever stay with me, as its the day that my Mum was taken from me. The news of her untimely death hit me like a bolt of lighting … the shock and grief was almost too much to bear. I, like many sons, was very close to my Mum; every other Sunday I would travel to her house and sit in the kitchen with her while she cooked [...]


Intermittent Fasting for Faster Fat Loss

I want to share with you a very powerful technique for reducing body fat while improving your health and longevity. But I need to warn you that this nutritional strategy goes against the advice you’ll probably receive from the mainstream fitness industry. If you’ve read my other posts you know I’m not one for following the trends, and I like to keep an open mind to unorthodox methods for improving our bodies, as long as they are based on evidence. I encourage you to be open-minded as well and to read through this entire article before making any judgement calls. Also be sure to check out the additional information / resources I’ve included with the links below. The fat loss strategy I want to introduce you to is called “Intermittent Fasting” (IF). Basically, IF relates to extending the length of time you have an empty stomach, by fasting for a [...]


Fantastic 4 Foods & Exercises for Valentines Day

It’s that time of year again. Couples are planning a romantic night out and exchanging gifts as tokens of their love. Single people are complaining about how materialistic and commercialized St.Valentine’s Day is. Guys are hoping to get lucky. Ah yes… love is in the air. Well gentlemen, I’ve got a gift for you too. This Valentine’s Day I want you to give the gift of “Good Lovin’!” That’s why I’ve created this Fantastic 4 Foods & Exercises for Sexual Fitness. Watch this short video tutorial: The Workout: Start with the workout because this will increase circulation and create more blood flow to your extremities and your “working parts”. Exercising right before eating can also support nutrient partitioning of the calories you consumed to be stored in muscle rather than fat. Here is the workout… […]


How Physical Exercise Also Benefits Your Brain

Because I recognize that our thoughts and emotions play a huge role in the results we get in our lives, I’ve made a point of “training my brain” as well as my body.  After talking to a good friend of mine about this, he recommended I check out an online brain-boosting program called  I did sign up and as much as I enjoy the website and the program, I find it hard to make time to do those exercises with my busy schedule. Well was I ever pleased to learn about this new study! As it turns out, new research has demonstrated that physical exercise actually improves your brain health and performance BETTER than specific mental exercises (such as puzzles, brain games, and social interaction).  That’s right, working out actually boosts your brain power (ie: memory, problem solving, reaction time, etc) and slows down the aging process of the [...]


Krill Oil May be up to 48 Times Better than Fish Oil

If you’ve been following my posts and articles you already know that I usually recommend taking  a high quality Fish Oil every day for its slew of health benefits as well as aiding in fat loss.  However, I’ve been reading a lot lately about a superior source of essentially fatty acids and other important nutrients… I’m talking about krill oil. Krill oil is made from krill, a small, shrimp-like crustacean that lives in the cold ocean parts of the world. Krill are very small yet make up the largest animal biomass on the planet. There are about 500 million tons of krill roaming around in the northern seas. Similar to fish oil, krill oil has omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA) but the structure of the EPA and DHA in krill oil makes them much more absorbable than fish oil. Krill oil also contains vitamin D and powerful anti-oxidants.  Therefore krill accomplishes two important [...]


Natural Pre-Workout Supplement- ADAPT Energy

A friend of mine, Chris Owens, recently sent me a sample of a natural energy supplement called ADAPT Energy. He wanted me to put it to the test before a tough workout and compare it to my regular pre-workout drinks.  Here is my video review of this supplement, as well as some footage of my core workout with Kane following his SHIT protocol (Super Hero Interval Training). Here is the product information I pulled from Chris’s website at Adaptogens–the legal supercharger of Olympians. What if you knew the secret to how Olympic athletes train their muscles to perform at maximum endurance and energy? Look no further, now you have it. […]

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