Guided Meditation – Lose Your Mind & Come to Your Senses

Many people (especially in our Western Culture) choose to live mostly in their 'heads', thinking primarily of the future and "what's next" or remembering the past. Somehow our mind seems to convince us that the "next moment" must be better than the one we're in now. While there's nothing inherently wrong with thinking, it's important to be able to be aware of our thoughts and be intentional about what we think. There's a saying I like: "The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master." When we become lost in distracting thoughts or daydreams it takes our attention away from this present moment. However, if we bring our awareness into our body it helps to bring us back into the Here and Now. Exploring our body sensations can also improve our mind-body connection and body awareness, and support relaxation, recovery and healing. To support this process I've created this [...]


Basic Home Workout for Beginners

Many of the clients I see are starting out with minimal training experience and are working out in their own home. As people progress with their strength and fitness they often prefer to get a gym membership or to purchase exercise equipment for their home gym. I already have videos demonstrating gym workouts as well as how to set up a kick ass home gym, but beginners typically don’t need access to a lot of equipment to get started. In the video below I demonstrate a basic beginner home workout using only one’s body weight, a resistance band, and an exercise ball: […]


How to Meditate – The Many Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

There’s a common misunderstanding among most people that the main “goal” of life is to avoid pain and pursue pleasure (or at least to try to get comfortable). A lot of effort and attention is put on getting somewhere ‘better’, achieving something ‘different’, changing or improving ourselves, and getting more stuff so that we can feel better or be happy later. A much more rewarding, kind, and adventurous approach to life is to develop an attitude of alert curiosity and awareness, regardless of whether our experience is seen as positive or negative. When we overcome prejudice and pettiness and the need for everything to happen the way we want, we open ourselves to a more full, joyful, passionate experience of life and as we endure both pain and pleasure we learn a lot about ourselves and life in general. We can also discover that we are already enough, and we already [...]


DrawBacks of a Low Carb Diet

In this post I’d like to share a guest contribution from a good friend and one of my mentors, Joseph Hughes (Fit N Sync). Joe has extensive experience competing in physique competitions as well as coaching many other women and men for physique, figure and bikini contests. He also helps the average individual lose unwanted body fat while following a balanced, sustainable nutrition plan. Joe helped me prepare my nutrition plan for my first Men’s Physique competitions last year, leading me to a first place victory in my Regional contest and 3rd place at the Provincials, qualifying me for the Nationals. We share the same philosophy regarding flexible dieting, also called If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM), which relates to tracking your calories and macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs) and eating a variety of foods while meeting your calorie and macro needs, based on your individual goals. One big aspect of nutrition [...]


My Top 5 Exercises for Sexual Fitness

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching it’s time to give that special someone in your life the gift of good loving. Science has proven that physical exercise can improve your sexual performance in a number of ways, so on that note, here are my Top 5 Exercises for Sexual Fitness: 1) Kneeling Rows 2) DiveBomber Pushups 3) Pulsed Squats 4) Hip Thrusters 5) Straddle The Elbow […]


How to Keep the Fat Off after You Lose It

Why the Biggest Losers Regained The Weight A few weeks ago there was a “Biggest Loser Study” that was getting a lot of media attention. It basically showed that 6 years later the majority of the contestants on the show had regained most of their weight. Even worse, it also revealed that their metabolism was slower than it was previously. For more details check out the Research Review of this study on the Precision Nutrition site at The unfortunate thing is that this study paints a dismal picture that it’s impossible to sustain fat loss over the long term. Of course, the mainstream media loves these types of stories and they jumped all over it. However, that conclusion is absolutely false. The Biggest Loser Study failed to fully explain why these individuals regained most of the weight. We need to ask the question: “What mistakes are they making on the Biggest Loser program [...]


How to Fix your Feet – The Benefits of Barefoot

What if I told you that there is one neglected body part that you could strengthen which would lead to an increase in full body strength and mobility? It might not be what you expect. I’m talking about your FEET. If you suffer from foot, ankle, knee, low back pain, or related problems including shin splints, bunions, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, ‘fallen’ arches, or Achilles tendonitis, then this article should be of particular interest to you. Your feet may be holding you back from becoming stronger. The feet are the body’s base of support. During exercise, sport, and most daily activities, force enters the body through your hands and feet, with the feet supporting the bulk of this workload. However, whereas most people understand the importance of grip training and how strong hands contribute to a strong upper body, our feet are often neglected. Most people just shove their feet [...]


Take charge of your health & appearance with natural solutions (guest post)

In a busy world such as we live in today, it’s not unusual for the day to day stress to reflect in your health as well as in your appearance. You may find it challenging to make time to look after your health as you should, or perhaps you are unsure of the best ways to do so. As life gets busier and work and family are placing larger demands upon you, you my find that you are getting less sleep, less exercise, and feeling more stressed. While you may not be suffering from serious health conditions, the stress of daily life may affect you in different ways. This can be in form of fatigue, depression, achy muscles and joints, as well as how you look such as baggy eyes and tired looking skin. And let’s be honest, as much as we realize the importance of our health and wellness, most [...]


12 Days of Christmas Fitness

Here's my gift to you: The 12 Days of Fitness (Christmas Workout). I had several of my clients perform variations of this program yesterday... it's a fun way to get in a decent circuit training workout for the holidays. There's 12 rounds of this circuit, each round adding another exercise with one more repetition (up to 12 repetitions for the final exercise, of course). It takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete, depending on your rep speed and rest intervals. Here's the video tutorial I created for it (you'll be impressed by my angelic singing voice!):

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