Managing Your Cheat Meals

The nutrition plan for my Get Lean Program, although being well-balanced for long term results, may still be considered a bit restrictive for some people.  A reduction in caloric intake, starchy carbohydrates and processed foods can seem extreme to those who have developed non-supportive eating habits.  For this reason, among others, a Cheat Day (also referred to as a “Refeed Day”) is recommended in my program. Psychologically, it’s much easier to make changes to your nutrition when you know you will have an opportunity to indulge yourself on occasion. Re-feed Days also have a very real benefit to your long term fat loss physiologically. Here is an example of one of my more recent cheat meals… this is after a powerlifting competition and a few of us decided to go all out: Despite being somewhat controversial, the idea of a cheat day, or at least a cheat meal, is a [...]


Six Pack Abs Success!

I reached my goal of single digit body fat % with my abs visible without flexing! My body weight dropped from about 214 when I started this plan a few months ago, to about 196 at the time of this video. Overall I was pleased with my fat loss progress while minimizing loss of lean tissue, especially since I just turned 42 y/o. It does take longer to reduce body fat % without losing significant amounts of muscle, but it is well worth it. By following the advice in these tutorials you can achieve similar results. […]


Train your brain for faster fat loss results

We live in an age where almost everyone has access to more health and fitness information than ever before, yet more than half of our population in North America is overweight.  Information is important, but there is something else that needs to be addressed: the mental aspect. If all it took was “How-To’s” we’d all be fit, rich and happy. Before you’ll see any lasting transformation in your body, there has to be a transformation of your mindset and your habits. The brain is like a powerful super-computer; it has an amazing ability to find solutions to challenges and discover ways to reach your goals.  However, your brain makes a much better servant than master… if left unguided its primary focus will be to keep you safe, avoid risk, and basically resist “progress” by keeping you in your comfort zone. Therefore you need to give your mind clear and focused [...]


Sleep is a powerful fat burner

Good sleep is one of the cornerstones of good health.  While 6 to 8 hours is widely accepted as the optimal amount of sleep for most adults, getting too little or even too much sleep can negatively affect your health. Sleep deprivation has become so common that many people may not even realize they are suffering from it.  Some of the serious problems that a sleep deficit can cause include: A weakened immune system Poor memory Poor concentration and mental performance Poor physical performance Stress related disorders such as heart disease, ulcers, and depression Reduced growth hormone produced (accelerating the aging process) Hunger and weight gain […]


Stay Fit on Vacation using Body Weight Training

I just returned from Florida for a relaxing 10 days of vacation with family.  I got some much needed rest, sunshine, food, and ‘entertainment’, but I also got in some great workouts!  I’ve always found that during a vacation is a perfect time to step up my fitness routine. However, it’s common for many people to fall off track with their health and fitness goals while on vacation.  Their regular routine is disrupted, the exercise facilities are less than adequate, and there is probably an abundance of food and alcohol available.  It’s no wonder a lot of people tend to gain a little body fat on their holiday travels. But by following some basic exercise and nutrition tips, and by looking at your vacation ‘free time’ from a different perspective, you can come back from your trip in better shape than when you left. […]


5 Big Fat Loss Tips from Big Ben Pakulski

I recently attended a seminar lead by professional bodybuilder, trainer, and educator, big Ben Pakulski (BPak). In his presentation, Advanced Techniques for Hypertrophy and Fat Loss, Ben shared some important tips for gaining muscle and shedding fat. In this post I wanted to share with you his 5 Powerful Fat Loss Tips. Fat Loss Tip #1: Carbohydrates are NOT the body’s preferred energy source! Although carbs are burned faster than fat, they are not the most efficient or healthiest energy source. Carbs have only 4 kcal per gram, whereas fat has 9 kcal per gram… more than twice the available energy. Fat is also a slower burning fuel source and will provide longer lasting energy. Fat is an essential nutrient, as is protein (Note: Essential Fatty Acids in fat; Essential Amino Acids in protein; carbohydrates are non-essential), and even most saturated fats and cholesterol are healthy and necessary, EXCEPT if [...]


Top 6 Fat Loss Supplements for 6 Pack Abs

My last few 6 Pack Abs tutorials have focused on the training program and specific exercise demonstrations. However, as I’ve said before, getting leaner depends mostly upon how you eat. Abs are made in the kitchen.  In addition to an intelligent nutrition plan there are several supplements that will support your fat loss endeavors. This short video discusses my choices for the Top 6 Fat Loss Supplements for 6 Pack Abs. […]


Advanced Core Training for 6 Pack Abs

As I discussed in my previous “6 Pack Abs” tutorials, the key factors for revealing your abs are: 1) Training – MRT workouts, alternating high volume and high intensity training; and HIIT on an empty stomach. 2) Nutrition – Reduce carbs (especially high GI carbs and starches like most grains), avoid processed foods, include healthy fats and proteins, stay hydrated, watch your portions, track your caloric intake, and pay attention to peri-workout nutrition.  Check out my blog post on nutrition here =>  Nutrition Guidelines for 6 Pack Abs A good full body training program (like the one I outlined in my previous tutorials) that will burn calories, increase your metabolism, and bring on the After-Burn Affect, along with an intelligent nutrition plan, will help you reduce body fat while maintaining your lean muscle tissue. This is the key to revealing your abs… fat loss through a solid nutrition and fat [...]


Reduce Your Waist – 3 Lessons From Rob Ford

I couldn’t help but hear the news about Rob Ford over the last couple of days. On the weekend he announced that he was officially “giving up” on his Cut the Waist Challenge, just 3 weeks before it was scheduled to finish. This was after missing several scheduled weigh-ins. Yes, this is the same challenge that he publicly started in January to raise money for charity and help motivate others to get leaner. To be honest, I thought it was a smart idea at the time… he creates a media buzz for himself, creates accountability for reaching his fat loss goals, and sends a positive message at the same time. Good for you Rob! But, wow… did he ever disappoint me. He not only let himself down, but he let down everyone whom he had offered to help motivate. Now I want to make something clear – I’m not disappointed in [...]


MRT Super-Set Program for Revealing Your Abs

In today’s post I will be continuing the tutorial series for my Pursuit of 6 Pack Abs. This time I want to share an outline of another Metabolic Resistance Training program I use for getting leaner. I previously introduced a circuit training program which I suggested using for about 3 weeks (Metabolic Conditioning Phase). Now it’s time to move on to the Metabolic Drive Phase which involves heavier weights and antagonist super-sets. It’s a three day split, to be performed on alternate days. Perform 3 HIIT sessions per week as well, on your “off” days. Here are the videos for each workout: Day One: Upper Push-Pull Horizontal Plane […]

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