Breathwork and Meditation

I offer breathwork and meditation group workshops as well as private 1 on 1 sessions, both in-person and online. Contact me for more information, or scroll down to find out when my next workshop is running.
I offer a free online Energetic Elevation breathwork session every Monday, 6PM EST. If interested, you can join on Zoom by clicking this link:
Also check out Polar Plunge into Presence – a free cold water immersion experience every Saturday 8AM in Barrie (at Centennial Beach). Learn more on our Facebook Group or message me for details.
Men, check out our Brotherhood of Light gatherings HERE.
A few of the many benefits of Breathwork and Meditation include:
- Reduces stress
- Promotes a state of calm stillness and deep relaxation
- “Turns off” the Over-Thinking Brain
- Reduces inflammation
- Preserves brain function
- Improves breathing and lung function
- Increases life span by preserving stem cells
- Releases feel-good hormones
- Develops greater somatic body awareness
- Releases charged emotions from your body and nervous system
- Moves you beyond thinking and into a state of present moment awareness
My “Path to Presence” workshop is a profound inner journey that will guide you from the busyness of your mind into the stillness of Presence, using breath as the bridge. By resting your attention inwardly on body sensations, you can learn to let go of resistance, release energetic blockages, and move beyond your conditioned limitations.
Foundational Practices include:
- Conscious Connected Breathing
- Somatic “Body Scan” Meditation
- Determined Stillness
- Mindful Movement
- Sound Healing – Resonant Music
- Ceremonial Cannabis Offering (Optional)
Upcoming Workshops:
Man on the Land Men’s Retreat – Raise Your Vibration!
- WHERE: Moonlight Farm, 37360 Lake Line, Port Stanley, ON, N5L 1J1
- WHEN: Friday October 25th to Sunday October 27th, 2024
- INVESTMENT: $777 to $1333 (Sliding Scale)
- REGISTRATION: e-transfer $333 deposit to
- OR Go to
- Contact for more info: or
Brotherhood of Light INITIATION – Sacred Medicine Men’s Weekend Retreat
- WHEN: Friday November 15th to Sunday November 17th, 2024
- WHERE: My Heart’s Path Spiritual Retreat Center, St George, ON
- Registration: $555 to $1222 (Sliding Scale)
- To hold your spot, send $100 deposit via e-transfer to
- Learn more at
More Info:
Energetic Elevation Breathwork Workshop
- WHEN: April 19th, 2025, from 10:10AM to 2:12PM, Barrie
- WHERE: Traditions Hall at Sheba Shrine, 142 John St, Barrie, ON, L4N 2L2
- Registration Link coming soon: $111
- Or e-transfer $88 (Early Bird Registration) to
Path to Presence Workshop: coming soon (To Be Announced)
Guided Inner Journey Private 1 on 1 Sessions also available:
- Somatic Meditation – Journey into Sensational Awareness (2 hours)
- Activation of the Energy Centers– Sound Healing, Mantras, Mindful Movement (2 hours)
- Polar Plunge into Presence – Breathwork and Cold Therapy (2 hours)
- Plant Medicine Ceremony -Mystical Inner Journey (6-8 hours)
Free Offerings:
- Guided Energetic Elevation Breathwork (Online) – Every Monday 6PM EST
- Brotherhood of Light Conscious Community for Men – Online Gathering, 10AM, 1st Saturday / month
- Polar Plunge into Presence – every Saturday 8AM, Centennial beach in Barrie
(Contact Josh for more info, pricing, eligibility, availability)
This experience was amazing! I enjoyed every part of it. I would recommend this workshop to everyone… really allows for deep reflection and relaxation.
What you are doing is so beautiful. I love how you do ceremony. You stay so connected to everyone. I really love the toning / chanting together. So grateful for you <3
-Zen Jen
Being a lifelong “meditator” as well as running my own meditation groups for the last nine years, I am always looking for a group whereby someone else is facilitating, guiding the experience… something that I can attend myself and experience in a way that would be beneficial to me. Seeing as there has been somewhat of a global spiritual explosion in the last few years, no doubt there’s a plethora of groups, workshops, teachers and guides from which to choose. My dilemma has been finding someone who’s obviously well versed and well-connected spiritually, as well without strong egotistic elements.
I strongly felt guided to attend Josh’s workshop and after having only one experience with him I now understand why. Josh is a well seasoned light being who comes straight from the heart and knows what he’s talking about. His knowledge of the meditative process as well of breath work comes through loud and clear. I found the entire experience extremely powerful; I had also been searching for a group that incorporates breath work, and Josh’s integration of the Wim Hoff method was exactly as I was hoping it would be, not to mention the powerful and hypnotic sound of his voice and chosen words which sent me to amazing heights.
Additionally, I was duly impressed by his level of respect for the plant medicine being offered as well for the whole meditative/spiritual process. The overall effect lasted several days, leaving me feeling much at peace and as though I had experienced a shift.
In conclusion, I highly recommend attendance to any of Josh’s workshops – he is the “real deal“. You most certainly would not be disappointed! I look forward to more from him and can’t wait for the next session!
Much gratitude to Josh!
I was blown away by the workshop; I was not expecting such an intense experience. At one point I was gone… the breath work made me feel as if I were under the pressure of several more atmospheres and my body felt very warm and heavy. I was able to acknowledge my limbs and I actually felt their existence and attachment to my body. When he asked us to acknowledge the space our bodies occupied on the floor, I merged with it and became a sort of gelatin … I envisioned a river surrounding a mountain and I became the river and the island inside that river (all made of gelatin) and I was flowing and shaking … it felt amazing.
During the breathing exercises I felt like I lasted more than 5 minutes without inhaling; I could have gone much longer … I lost track of time but it felt like I could hold my breath for a very long time. I felt so grateful to have this body and be able to enjoy it; it was just amazing. I was not expecting to feel so much!
Thank you so much for doing what you do and for sharing it with the world, Josh. I can’t thank you enough for making it so accessible. Now I am even more encouraged to keep meditating and to add learning more about breathing to my journey.
Thank you for giving me so much.
I have been attending the free weekly breathwork sessions with Josh for almost a year now. Josh is an excellent teacher and guide for the breathwork and meditation techniques. He always sets a positive intention and guides us through it before beginning the session. He then takes us through several rounds of breathwork while recognizing that some participants are experienced at it and some are beginners. I have never felt I was in over my head. He tells you what to expect. He then follows up with a guided meditation to finish off the session. It is something I look forward to.
The breathwork has given me a taste of the dimension we are capable of touching if we get away from our own thoughts. It gives me a tool that I can use on a day-to-day basis. It helps me to respond rather than react. It allows me to take the time to look at everything from all perspectives before reacting or making decisions and do things that are in the best interest of all involved.
I would recommend that everyone try one of Josh’s workshops. He will assist you in finding some tools and methods that will help you find that “present moment awareness”, which is an ideal place to live our lives.
-Dan Rose
Josh is a luminous individual whose presence creates a warm and safe space for engagement with this type of self-exploration. His approach is purely from the heart, and he guides the group through each facet of the workshop with poise and a gentle grace. His respect, gratitude and admiration for the body, the participants, and the plants permeates the session.
He is a way-shower, to help us all recognize and remember these beautiful gifts we have been given. I feel it is very important with the legalization of cannabis that we develop a positive relationship with these plants so we may see the potential they have to be catalysts for deep personal growth. The beautiful energy cultivated in the group is a reflection of the care and effort Josh puts in to ensure everyone has a beneficial experience and I look forward to attending workshops in the future.
Our time together left a lasting positive impression on me and I know that anyone who feels a resonance with his offerings will have a fruitful experience. Thank you so much J Heart, you are doing amazing work!
I just wanted to share my experience from last week’s session with you. I was able to release a lot of emotional baggage like never before. I cried a lot as you went through each chakra and at the end I felt my body so light and relieved. But what is truly amazing is that since then I don’t have pain in my right hip which I had before for more than a year. I saw several doctors and they were not able to tell me exactly what was wrong. The last one diagnosed me with pyriformis syndrome and bursitis on my right leg. Physiotherapy helped to reduce the pain but it was still there all the time. I also took all kinds of meds and nothing helped. So I want to thank you deeply for helping me heal myself through this beautiful and powerful meditation. I’m so looking forward to our next gathering!
-Janet Castro
Awakening the Ancient Engine…turning the energetic motor on with your breath, feeling the fuel of spirit filling your lungs and radiating your soul’s light. This is how I would describe a workshop with Josh-Heart. As a heavily meditated practitioner, Josh wears his experience well. He offers many insights throughout the session, which point to ‘gaps’, i.e. conceptual mental jargon traps that can open, or give way to actual experience! If you’ve felt stagnant or confused regarding purpose and/or connection – reach out and let Josh know you are ready to use the keys in unlocking your breath technology.
I’ve been fortunate to have attended a number of Josh’s ceremonies, and have always felt comfortable in his presence. As a fitness pro, he’s very adept at bringing individuals into a deeper state of body awareness. This allows a sense of surrender where undertaking an inner journey is effortless. Feeling unified as a community is felt among participants through various group and sharing exercises. The breathwork and meditation techniques employed are not new age in their origin. For both the seasoned and unfamiliar, the way the cannabis is experienced in this workshop is mind expanding and it will surely bring new realizations.
I started attending Josh’s breathwork sessions in early 2020. Right from the very first session I found Josh to be welcoming and kind. Even though we have mainly met up via Zoom sessions I’ve always felt like he pays close attention to everybody and encourages us to push through our barriers. Like a good coach or trainer he pushes you to go as far as you can into the experience.
The breath work itself is just wonderful. It’s the kind of practice that I wish I had discovered earlier in my life as I find it so beneficial. Every session seems to bring something new and revealing to me. It’s hard to explain exactly what you’ll experience in a breath work session but here are a few things I have experienced; overwhelming joy, deep peace in my heart, lightness in my body, a unified connection to all the other attendees, and a complete dissolving of my being. Often these sensations/experiences are fleeting but each of those moments have stuck with me and I truly believe they have enriched my life.
I cannot say enough good things about Josh or these breathwork sessions and I highly encourage anybody who has yet to test these waters to take the plunge. I hope that it benefits you as it has me.
-Michael Sieffert
Zeroing in on Zero. Back to the start. Understanding; knowing that everything, every moment is the start. The new beginning is right now, and right now, and right now. Now is all there is. Beginning and end are one and the same. Every beginning contains its end, and every end contains its new beginning. Relax into Now and know that THAT is all there is. Now, Now, NOW. Relax into the WOW!!
–MJ (from her Meditative Freeflow Writing exercise in the Path to Presence workshop):
- I felt the presence of my ancestors.
- I felt a massive amount of energy.
- I loved the group; everyone is respectful.
- I loved the presence of Josh and Juniper.
- Highly recommended for personal transformation.
- I will definitely repeat this experience!