Many of the clients I see are starting out with minimal training experience and are working out in their own home. As people progress with their strength and fitness they often prefer to get a gym membership or to purchase exercise equipment for their home gym. I already have videos demonstrating gym workouts as well as how to set up a kick ass home gym, but beginners typically don’t need access to a lot of equipment to get started.
In the video below I demonstrate a basic beginner home workout using only one’s body weight, a resistance band, and an exercise ball:
Variations and progressions of this routine should be enough to challenge most beginners for the first several weeks of training. I also recommend performing a proper warm up before every workout to improve performance and reduce risk of injury. Check out my Dynamic Warm Up and Core Activation video here:
Here’s an outline of this beginner home workout for you as well:
More advanced alternatives to the resistance band row would be to progress to using a door mounted chin up bar and/or TRX suspension straps to perform chin ups or inverted rows. Regardless, there is plenty of room to progress this basic workout as you get stronger.
Until next time,
Stay strong!