Last week I was watching the news and a particular story caught my attention. They were interviewing an elite Canadian athlete preparing for the upcoming winter Olympics, showing footage of his intense physical training program. The topic of discussion was that he also had to work a full time job on top of his athletic training, in order to pay his bills and afford proper coaching, training facilities, and nutrition. As a letter carrier for Canada Post this athlete was on his feet delivering mail for most of the day, followed by several hours of physical conditioning right after work!

I was curious about how many others are in this same position, so I did some research (thanks Google!) and discovered that there are many Canadian Olympic Athletes who are working full time or part time jobs in addition to over 20 hours of hard training each week. When you take this into consideration, it really makes you appreciate the years of sacrifice and dedicated training that goes into developing an athlete of Olympic caliber.

This got me thinking about the fact that any worthwhile goal in life really does require a significant level of commitment and effort.  For some this is difficult to accept because in many ways we live in a culture that leads many people to expect “instant gratification”. I witness this first-hand all the time when new clients will come to me extremely overweight and out of shape and want to have six pack abs within a few weeks… without giving up their beer(s) after work and without committing to a training program that is “too hard”.

Now I understand that not everyone has big goals. Not everyone is ambitious. But for those of you who are determined to achieve some impressive results with your fitness and physique, it’s time for a reality check. As a trainer it’s my responsibility to get real with my clients to help them set achievable goals and to understand the level of commitment and effort that is required. To that end I’d like to share 5 Basic Facts that you need to accept in order to get the results you’re after:

Fact #1. It’s going to involve hard work! 

To achieve impressive long term results you will need to get outside of your comfort zone, both physically and mentally. You will have to sweat, push through muscular fatigue, experience muscle soreness, and work really hard! Accept it… it’s a fact.

Fact #2. You will need to make some changes in how you eat.

Just because you are now training doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. To get the best results you will need to clean up your diet. NUTRITION is the foundation for physique transformation!

Fact #3. Exercise and healthy eating are a lifestyle.

This is not a quick fix for a short term goal… this needs to be a lifestyle change. Forget the “diet” mentality and adopt this as a new way of living. Otherwise that fat you lost will come back faster than it came off!

Fact #4. Results take time.

Don’t look for short-cuts. Consider how long it takes to get out of shape… the process of transforming your body takes time! Be patient and set realistic goals for achieving results and you will be successful. A well designed program and expert coaching will certainly help you get there faster, but you still need to be patient, persistent, and consistent.

Fact #5. Exercise must be a priority.

The main excuse most people give for not exercising is that they don’t have time. However, no one has time unless they make it. This needs to be high on your priority list for you to be successful in reaching your goals. Do you make time to surf the internet? Troll Facebook? Watch your favorite TV show? Exercise is important… give yourself the time you deserve to get in amazing shape.


I hope this gives you something to consider as you work towards your own fitness, strength, and physical transformation goals. If you understand these facts you are well on your way to success!   Just remember: looking for a “Quick-Fix” to fat loss will result in a “Fast-Track” to failure! Take the time to educate yourself, make the necessary lifestyle changes, and be prepared to invest some time and energy to improve your health, fitness, body composition, and appearance. You are worth it!