What the Hell is Wrong with the Weight Loss Industry?

I recently watched an excellent video created by Mike Howard of Lean Minded, where he basically throws the entire fitness industry under the bus. The thing is, he makes some important observations, his critique is well-founded, and he provides some great suggestions about what to do about it. His opinion on this topic is very similar to my own, and his advice is right in line with what I’ve been saying for a while now (on my blog, YouTube, and other social media).

I shared the video below in this article, and I encourage you to take a few minutes to check it out. He touches on several problems in the fitness industry at present:

  • People seem to believe that everything causes weight gain… except excess calories.
  • People are chasing a quick fix to get short term results for a single event, rather than making “fitness” a Lifestyle.
  • People obsess about minutia and argue about the smallest details related to training and nutrition, rather than learning the basics and looking at the big picture.
  • Everyone is focused on Extremes (black and white; good and bad; all or nothing) rather than striving for Balance.
  • “Fitness Experts” debate whether fat loss is 60%, 70% or 80% diet vs exercise, forgetting that it is 100% MINDSET.

Check Out This Brilliant Take Down of the Fitness Industry:

What we need is a paradigm shift. Too many people are focused on following gurus and fitness trends rather than working on changing their mindsets. Instead of helping people change their mindset, the fitness industry is preying on an already dysfunctional mindset in our society. One that is focused on chasing a “Quick Fix”.

His suggestions echo my own…


Consider the following suggestions he makes in this video:

1) Your not on a diet… you’re on a health journey.

2) Change your exercise & eating habits because you LOVE your body, NOT because you hate it!

3) You are NOT you’re current scale weight and  fitness level; detach who you are as a PERSON from your current SITUATION.

4) If you want to get in better shape, refuse to be OK with your current situation. Accept yourself but don’t accept your current situation.

5) Your results will be grounded in self-discipline.

6) Discover your WHY!


If you’ve ever been frustrated with trying to achieve your fitness goals, or if you’ve had the feeling that the fitness industry overall has been trying to sell you a load of bunk, I strongly suggest you consider adopting the 6 suggestions listed above. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

For some practical techniques and mental conditioning strategies to help you train your brain and make that mindset shift, check out my ebook “Get Mental: The Psychology of Strength” at www.GetMentalStrength.com.

I’m certain you’ll find some useful tools within that resource to assist you with changing your focus and mindset and bring you closer to achieving your goals WHILE feeling good about it!

Wishing you success and happiness,

Josh Hewett