I’ve just started a series of training tutorials that I’m calling “In Pursuit Of Excellence”. Basically I have a series of challenging fitness and performance goals that I’ve set for myself, and I decided it would not only hold me accountable if I shared them with my readers, but I would also give me the opportunity to show you my progress and produce exercise video tutorials along the way so that others can benefit from my experience.

As explained in the video below, my primary goals include:

  • Getting 6 Pack Abs
  • Increasing my Deadlift to 600 lbs
  • Performing a Single Leg Pistol Squat
  • Performing a Muscle Up

I am also considering trying to do some full range handstand pushups (feet on the wall), as well as attempting Ab Wheel rollouts from a standing position (feet and wheel only touching the ground).  We’ll see .. for me these will be tough goals, but I need a challenge.

So I would also like to hear what your goals are… if I think it’s something that others would benefit from I might make a few video tutorials for those goals as well.  Post a comment below and give me some ideas for more instructional videos, or share your current goals and how you are challenging yourself.  Like I said, sometimes just making it public will hold you more accountable and help motivate you to succeed!

I’ll be posting the first videos in this series soon… watch for that, and wish me luck!

Stay strong,
